
Management Services

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Value Management


The satisfaction of Client needs is a fundamental business process and a vital part of a companies long term survival. The satisfaction of a Clint needs can not be at any cost and the key thing is to ensure that Client value is created and not destroyed.


A great sculptor can see the valuable piece of art within a plain piece of rock and has to expertly remove the outer waste to unlock the valuable creation within.


Value management is the process of discovering what the Client values then analysing solutions to ensure that the best value solution is created using available resources.


Value is a very individual assessment and a very simple way of describing value



value    =       Satisfaction of needs (benefits)     =       What you get
Use of resources (expenditure)  What you give



Value management processes apply rigour to new and existing solutions creation by evaluating what a Client values then removing and peeling back non value adding elements to reveal the true value of the solution.


The process focuses on what things do to contribute to the outcome of an activity rather than products and what things are. This reflective thinking creates a dynamic that reduce wastes and  searches for alternative solutions that maximise value.


We are able to offer a value management service that investigates existing solutions and develops better value for money solutions or we can work with Clients who are just starting on their value management journey  offering coaching and support.


Value management can create a more effective solution which can be delivered more efficiently if delivered with  lean thinking and processes.


Client projects

Value by design    

Working with Value by Design NEC framework Clients perform an independant review of KPI performance metrics and evaluate contractor performance and process improvements.